Saturday, February 27, 2010

Why I'm supporting Rose Vela over Eva Guzman

Eva Guzman is the political appointee of the pay-for-play Perry administration, and the Republican Party has been breaking its own rules to keep this hand-picked toady in place.  Perry is behind this unprincipled political rule-breaking as part of his typical game plan of putting his own selfish interests ahead of what's best for Texas.

In typical corrupt Perry style, Perry tried to use the political appointment which Perry gave to Guzman as a bribe to try and get the Velas to switch loyalty to Perry.  This practice is wrong and it must stop.  The fact that Perry gave the political loyalty award to Guzman confirms that Guzman can be bought for a price that the Velas refused.  In contrast to Eva Guzman's insider political games, Rose Vela promises transparency to help stop the problem where the Texas Supreme Court is dragging out cases longer than necessary, and Eva Guzman will never match that pledge because she's part of the insider political problem at the court.

More importantly, Eva Guzman is driven by a judicial activist agenda.  In the case of Rowan Companies, Inc. v. Wilmington Trust Co., the conservative Republican trial judge Levi James Benton, the jury, and the conservative appellate judge Kem Frost all reviewed the facts of the case and concluded that the Wilmington Trust Company was entitled to its contractual rights.  Eva Guzman changed the result in that case by rejecting Republican Judge Frost's conservative analysis, by overruling Republican Judge Benton, and by disregarding the jury.

In the case of All Star Enterprise, Inc. v. Buchanan, Eva Guzman rejected the analysis of conservative trial judge Patricia Hancock who had ruled that a foreign company had to accept responsibility in Texas courts for doing harm to Texans in Texas.

In the case of  Green v. Alford, Eva Guzman once again rejected the conservative ruling of Republican trial judge Ken Wise and ingored the conservative analysis of her Republican colleague Justice Harvey Hudson.

As one mmore example of Eva Guzman's judicial activism, in the case of Ahmed v. Ahmed, conservative Republican judge Leslie Brock Yates correctly rejected the false argument that an Islamic marriage qualifies as an enforceable prenuptial agreement, but gullible Guzman would have fallen for this argument if her dissenting opinion was the majority rule.

Eva Guzman is a political appointee with an activist agenda.  We don't need Guzman on the Texas Supreme Court.  Vote for Rose Vela on March 2!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why I'm supporting Debra Medina over Rick Perry

It's sad but true that Rick Perry has lingered in the Governor's seat for more than any other human being in the history of Texas, and we have very little to show for it.

Perry has never been about what is best for Texas, and he's always been about what is best for Perry's cronies.

Texas A & M University President Ray Bowen and Texas Tech's Windy Sitton both give witness that Perry has improperly demanded that folks he appoints pledge their loyalty to him above the people of Texas and above the Universities they were appointed to serve.

For example, Rick Francis, a banker from El Paso banker gave Perry more than $180,000, including a $25,000 donation six days before his appointment to the Texas Tech University Board of Regents.
These corrupt quid-pro-quo government appointments for sale must stop.

Lobbyist Dan Shelley worked to give away Texas land plus $7 billion dollars to Cintra, a Spanish company, to build the Trans-Texas Corridor boondoggle toll road before lobbyist Shelly came to work in Perry's office.

Debra Medina is a breath of fresh air with new ideas.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

2010 Primary Endorsements

Governor -- Debra Medina. She is a true conservative and a breath of freah air.

Rick Perry has been Governor for far too long and has become part of the problem.
Kay Bailey Hutchison is too liberal with our tax dollars and has been in Washington DC for too long.

Congress -- Willie Vaden. He has put in the time and shown his party loyalty by running for this office in the past. He is a true conservative.

James Duerr was accurately described by the Caller-Times as the "most moderate" in the race and he is in favor of the debt-expanding stimulus.
Blake Farenthold is a fat loudmouth with a radio program who has been endorsed by the Caller-Times in an editorial in which he admitted to being a former supporter of Kleptocrat Solomon Ortiz -- this is a disqualifying admission.
Jessica Puente-Bradshaw is a true conservative, but she has not put in the time that Willie Vaden has so this was a close call, but Puente-Bradshaw is a definite rising star.

Texas Supreme Court place 3 -- Rick Green. Both Charleton Heston and Chuck Norris have endorsed Rick Green, and it is nice to see that his endorsement list is made up of doctors, and preachers, and acting legends, and conservative activists and not just lawyers and judges. I like that.

Texas Supreme Court place 9 -- Rose Vela. She has shown her good faith in her support of the local Republican Party, and her judicial decisions are strict and faithful to the Constitution.

Eva Guzman is a typical political appointee who seems to put the interests of her political supporters ahead of the Constitution.

State Representative for District 33 -- Raul Torres. He has a better chance of beating Solomon Ortiz Jr.

Nicholas Rodriguez has a promising future in politics, but he is too green this election cycle.

District Court 148 -- Davis Stith. I don't know too much about this young lawyer, but he stands a better chance to bear the incumbent.

Guy Williams is a broken record who has proven that he cannot beat the incumbent.